Home > Saving Liliana(5)

Saving Liliana(5)
Author: Elle James

Amanda Small, Carter’s woman, sat beside Carter, and next to her was a woman in a black blazer with hair much like Amanda’s, black and as shiny as onyx. Unlike Amanda with her bright blue eyes, this woman had eyes so dark brown they rivaled the color of her hair and flashed as she turned her gaze on Dax.

“Dax,” Stone said. “Good. The whole team’s here. Carter, you want to give him the sitrep and bring him up to speed?”

Carter waved a hand toward the stranger with the black hair. “Our client is Liliana Lightfeather, an independent candidate running for congress in Wyoming. Today, the stage she’d been standing on exploded. The explosion, plus two other disturbing incidents, lead us to believe someone doesn’t like her or wants to scare her into bowing out of the race or kill her to keep her from winning.”

Dax shot a glance toward the woman and noted the bruise on her forehead and the smudges of dirt ground into her black suit. “What did they use for explosives?”

“Just got word from the Wyoming State Police Bomb Squad that whoever set the charges used C-4.”

Dax’s eyebrows shot up. “C-4 is a controlled substance, not available to just anyone.”

Kyla nodded. “Swede and I are searching the internet for any news regarding recent thefts of C-4 as well as hoping to identify buyers who might have quantities on hand, so we can have them conduct inventories to ensure they haven’t experienced pilfering. It will take time to locate a possible source of the C-4.”

“In the meantime, I can’t stop campaigning,” Liliana Lightfeather sat up straight, her head held high. “If the person or persons behind the attacks is trying to scare me into withdrawing from the race, it won’t happen. The voters have the right to determine who will represent them at the national level.”

“What about the incumbent?” Dax asked.

“She was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor and announced her retirement so she can focus on beating cancer and spending time with her family,” Liliana said. “Wyoming only has one seat in the House of Representatives as it’s the smallest state, not in land size, but in population.”

Dax’s eyes narrowed. “And the other candidates?”

“Ronald Merritt, the GOP’s pick to replace the current congresswoman,” Kyla offered.

“And Brad Benton, the Democratic candidate,” Liliana added.

“If you weren’t running as an independent, who is most likely to win?” Stone asked.

“Ronald Merritt. The state leans toward conservative values,” Liliana said.

“Then why would either party worry about an independent running?”

Amanda sat forward. “Merritt leans too far to the right with his stance on abortion and limiting women’s rights, and Benton leans too far to the left, wanting to shut down mining and the pipelines, taking away what few job opportunities are available in the state.” She grinned. “Liliana is leading in the latest polls, with enough of a lead to make both parties worry.”

“If she wasn’t leading in the polls by a significant margin, the republicans would be worrying she’d take votes away from them and give the democratic candidate a shot at the seat.” Stone tapped his fingers on the tabletop. “As it stands, she’s leading by a lot more than they had anticipated and could steal the election from their candidate altogether.”

“Wouldn’t that make the GOP candidate and his party the prime suspects in the attacks?” Dax asked.

“Seems logical,” Stone agreed. “Or that candidate’s corporate backers—the ones contributing the most money to Merritt’s campaign.” Stone tipped his head toward the empty chair across from Liliana Lightfeather. “Have a seat.”

Dax glanced down at his dusty jeans and scratched his beard. “I’m dirty from riding.”

“Is that what I smell?” Moe laughed.

“Sit,” Stone insisted. “The seats can be cleaned. We want your input on how to handle Miss Lightfeather’s situation.”

“I would’ve thought you’d come up with something by now.” Dax dropped into the seat, a frown forming. “Shouldn’t she lay low until you figure out who’s behind the attacks?”

Miss Lightfeather shook her head, her jaw firm, her fists clenched. “Laying low is the last thing I need to do at this point. I can’t let them think they’ve won. I can’t back down and make the voters think I can’t stand the heat. If anything, the explosion will have given me even more exposure in the news. I have to show my opposition and voters that I’m uninjured, ready to take the fight to the next level and that I’m stronger than ever.”

Amanda clapped her hands. “That’s the spirit that will get you elected.” She glanced around the table. “So, how can the Brotherhood Protectors make sure she stays alive through the election and into office?”

Stone turned to Liliana. “She needs protection.”

Liliana’s mouth twisted. “A bodyguard? Won’t that make me appear weaker like I can’t handle this election standing on my own two feet?”

“So many of our elected officials have bodyguards,” Stone pointed out, “that I don’t think it makes you appear weaker.”

Her frown deepened. “I’m not opposed to having a bodyguard, but do we have to be so obvious about it? Couldn’t I have someone follow me around like he’s my aide or something?”

“We could. But you need closer protection than someone following you around during the day, like an aide. What you need is twenty-four-seven coverage. Someone who goes home with you at night and stays in at least adjoining rooms in whatever hotel you’re staying in. If our guy isn’t physically close, he can’t protect you.”

“I’m a single woman, which requires that I be very aware of my reputation. If I keep the bodyguard thing under wraps but have a man following me into my hotel room, the press will accuse me of sexual harassment, having an affair with my aide.” Liliana shook her head. “I can’t do that, and I don’t want to parade around with a bodyguard like some celebrity. I’m a candidate of the people. I can’t get close to them if they think I’m above them with my bodyguard.”

Amanda laid her hand on Liliana’s arm. “But you can get close to them with your fiancé.”

Dax’s gut tightened. He should have known a woman as attractive as Liliana would have a fiancé. Not that it should matter to him. The knot in his gut meant nothing. Certainly not disappointment.

“I don’t have a fiancé.” Liliana frowned.

Amanda smiled. “You know that and the rest of the people in this room know that, but the press and the voters don’t know that. The explosion shook your secret boyfriend and made him realize just how much you mean to him. He spirited you away from Riverton and proposed to you. You accepted, and now, you’ll have him with you for the rest of your campaign.” Amanda grinned. “And your voters will be happy that you have the appearance of a stable homelife.”

Liliana’s brow dipped. “I can’t lie to the people of Wyoming. That’s no way to serve them. And what happens when the election ends and my fiancé disappears?”

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