Home > Truly You (Luna Harbor #4)(7)

Truly You (Luna Harbor #4)(7)
Author: Claudia Burgoa

Next time things start going upside down, I should drive to the city and look for a hot guy to fix it with sex. Ha, if life was only that easy, the world would be a much better place.

It’s around noon when I head toward my office that I see him. The stranger from last night. The casual one-hour stand. I liked him yesterday wearing a suit, and earlier today, all skin, rippled muscles, and a few tattoos on his back and arms, but this casual version with a button-down shirt and a pair of jeans is just as yummy.

Wait, what is he doing here?

“Can I help you?” I ask, pretending I don’t know him.

He turns around, sees me, and grins. “I could tell you a way or two if you have time,” he jokes.

“Are you stalking me?”

He shakes his head. “Not at all. I hope this isn’t awkward. Unless you want to make it interesting.”

I’m already dripping wet with his words and those eyes. This guy could make me come just by saying something like, ‘I’m going to fuck you right now.’

I should tell him he needs to leave because I work here. Instead, I say, “What do you have in mind?”

He winks at me. “A few minutes in a private place. I’ll make it worth your while.”

“I shouldn’t,” I whisper.

“But this might be the part of your dream where you wanted me to go down on my knees, push your pencil skirt up, move your lacy underwear to the side, and eat your pussy.” He pauses, licking his lips. “I’m hungry again.”

I squirm. This guy. That voice. Those words. They make me say and do stupid things, like drag him to the janitor’s closet.

“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” He sucks in a breath as I unbutton his jeans slowly, my fingers grazing the bulge of his hard length.

“Tell me what exactly I do to you.” I ask.

My gaze is locked on him as I set my hands on his strong chest, moving them upward and taking his shirt off. Then I tug his jeans all the way to where the V muscles are covered by his boxers. I kneel in front of him. His cock springs free in my face. I stare at it intently.

There’s something about this man that makes me want to push everything further, like suck his cock down my throat until he explodes and swallow every drop.

I lean forward, dropping my head down and trace the crease between his balls with my tongue.

I sit back on my heels, lick my lips—ready to take his girth in my mouth. His hot, smooth shaft pulses in my palm.

“Suck me,” he orders. “There’s something so delicious about fucking your mouth in this closet. A forbidden place with a naughty girl.”

“A stranger who’s going to swallow every last drop of your cum,” I assure him.

My grip around his cock tightens, and I open my mouth wider, sliding the thick length inside. I lick it, suck it, and pump with my mouth and hands.

“Fuck,” he groans.

“Touch yourself,” he orders. “Make us come at the same time.”

I do as he says and rub my clit while I move my mouth faster and faster, the crown of his cock hitting the back of my throat. His legs tremble, and we’re both close to the edge.

“You’re killing me.” The man’s voice shakes as I suck him harder.

I let go of his length and kiss his tip. He groans as I suckle his sac. He buries his hands in my hair, coaxing my head closer to him. I nibble, kiss, and suck the flesh around the base of his shaft. He grows harder. He’s a piece of marble and even looks like David.


“Fuck, I need to be inside you,” he mutters, lifting me from the floor.

He snakes an arm around my waist, pulling me against his chest. Those intense brown eyes catch my soul, sucking it slowly.

“Please,” I beg him.

He takes my mouth. His lips are soft at first and then hard before he pushes his tongue into my mouth. Soon our tongues begin to twirl like two lovers trying to fuse into one. His kiss consumes me. His touch burns my skin in the most delicious way.

My hands slide down his back to his firm ass, and I pull him against me, rubbing myself against him, trying to find some release because the ache between my legs is killing me.

“I need you inside me, now,” I beg him.

My pulse races as he pushes me against the door.

“Arms up.” He lifts them above my head and strips me of my lace panties, pushing my skirt up. He kisses my neck and says, “They’re mine. My precious souvenir.”

He places them inside his pocket, grabbing a condom from his wallet. I watch him tear away the wrapper. I take the rubber from him, sheathing his length with the latex, entirely overtaken by desire.

He pushes two fingers inside me, smiling as they slip into my wet core. “You’re ready,” he says, pushing my feet apart, lifting me by the waist, and thrusting his thick cock inside me.

He stills, our eyes meeting for a long moment. I wrap my legs around him.

As he thrusts himself inside me and his eyes bore into mine, my entire soul is quivering. I want him to continue, though the feelings inside my chest are beginning to crack my walls. This is too much to take, and yet, he gives me a heart-stopping kiss while he moves faster and harder.

I wrap my arms around his neck, meeting his hips, seeking more of whatever it is he’s giving me today. He pushes his arms underneath me, holding me close to his body. His body is pressed so hard against me that I can feel every one of his muscles. I can feel his heart beating as fast as mine.

Nothing we do feels like enough. I want him deeper inside me, even though I’m not sure he can be. I’m climbing the tallest peak of pleasure I’ve ever reached in my life. I cling to him tightly as I’m about to explode. I don’t want to be alone when I fall from this high.

He rocks into me deeper, harder, faster. As if he knows I’m about to come undone, or maybe he’s just about to reach his peak too.

We both groan and shake, both of us chasing that high of going deeper—together.

He kisses me fiercely.

We’re locked together.

Building a fire.

Heating each other’s bodies.

Until we both begin to unravel, pushing each other into a deep pool of pleasure until a mind-blowing orgasm takes over my entire body.

His cock buried deep inside me. His mouth possessing me, drinking me in.

Sex has never been this good before, and I hope he hasn’t broken me for other guys.


“This shouldn’t have happened,” I say, fixing my skirt. “I need my panties.”

“Has anyone seen Siobhan?” I hear a male voice asking for me outside the door.

I grab a bucket from the back. “Don’t move from here until… Give me five minutes before you come out of the closet,” I order.

“Oh, there you are, sweetheart,” Mr. Matthews says, smiling at me. “What happened now?”

“Why?” I ask, looking around.

“Well, you have a bucket, you’re flushed, and your hair is…” He moves his hands around his hair. “That’s not the point of this conversation. Let’s go to your office. I have a big surprise for you.”

My heart is pounding. He almost caught me having sex with a customer in the janitor’s closet. He’s going to fire me if he finds out. What is wrong with me? This is so out of character. My heart pounds as I take a step closer to the office. He’s going to fire me. He probably knows I had sex at the inn with one of the guests.

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