Home > Safeguarding Kelly(6)

Safeguarding Kelly(6)
Author: Zoe Dawson

“I don’t wear a diaper. I’m not a baby.”
The nurse smiled. “I’m so sorry. I see now that you’re a big girl.” Kelly returned the nurse’s smile. “You are a big girl. Do you want to get undressed by yourself?”
“Yes,” Kiko said and started to pull her shirt over her head, displacing her straight black hair. She worked at pulling down her pants and Kelly smiled when she got her underwear, too. Kelly, helping Kiko to hold onto her underwear made them both laugh.
“Glad to know my patient is so giggly today,” Dr. Serena Moore said as she closed the door behind her. Her white lab coat fit across strong shoulders, her voice melodious and supportive. Her dark hair framed a heart-shaped, pretty face with fine dark eyes, high cheekbones, and a full mouth. She smiled, her eyes dancing. Serena and Kelly had hit it off right away and her search for a pediatrician for Kiko ended.
“She’s always happy, aren’t you, honeybunny?”
Kiko nodded enthusiastically. “Very happy. I went across the monkey bars all by myself. Billy can’t do it yet, but he thought I was great.”
“I bet he did.” Serena got to the exam, and Kelly was soon helping Kiko get dressed. “Come to my office when you’re done with her, and we’ll chat.”
Kelly held Kiko’s hand while they walked down the hall to Serena’s office. The door was open, and Serena waved them in. Kelly settled into one of the chairs. Kiko drifted over to the small bookcase and pulled out a book. She settled on the floor, crossed her legs, and opened it.
“She’s doing great,” Serena said as she reached for a file. The sleeve of her lab coat caught a frame and knocked it off her desk. Kelly rose and bent down to pick up the picture. It was of a smiling man in military fatigues who was standing in front of a wooden structure with three other men, sand beneath his boots. He had the same eyes as Serena.
When she rose, Serena took the picture and carefully set it back on her desk. “Is that your brother?”
“What branch of the service is he in?”
“Marine Corps. That’s a picture of him in Afghanistan.” There was pride in her voice and something else Kelly couldn’t quite place.
“He’s very handsome. How old was he there?”
“Thank you and he’s twenty-four.” She touched the edge of the frame with her fingers, then smiled. “So, keep doing what you’re doing with Kiko. She’s thriving.” She closed the file and sat back.
That was Kelly’s cue to leave her pediatrician to her work. She rose and reached out her hand. “It’s time to go, Kiko.” She reluctantly closed the book and pushed herself up and clasped her mom’s hand.
“I’ll see you later,” Serena said with a smile as she picked up the phone. Kelly nodded as she left.
All the way home, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was not looking at this situation in the right way, but whatever she was missing refused to make itself known to her. Kelly had to be smart and pragmatic. She knew what was best for Kiko and for herself. But could she decide what was best for Jason? Didn’t he have a right to make his own decisions? There was so much at stake.
She could only pray that she was right.
Jason and Davis pulled up to a neat Spanish-style home with a terracotta tile roof, textured stucco walls, and rounded archways. There was an abundance of yellow and pink flowers that lined the walk leading up to the front door.
As with any law enforcement, delivering the news to the new widow and the victim’s family was one of the worse jobs on the planet.
“I freaking hate this part,” Davis muttered under his breath as they started up the path. The bright sunny day did nothing to alleviate the gloom of the news they bore.
Davis knocked on the door, and they waited in silence. A teenager came to the door. “Can I help you?” she said, her face puzzled.
“Is your mom home?”
“Yes,” the girl said, then called out. “Mom. There’s someone at the door for you.”
A pretty middle-aged blonde woman came to the door in running clothes, her hair in a braid. “Yes.”
“Mrs. Diana Crouch?”
“Yes.” She glanced at the badges they flashed. “CGIS. Oh, God, George. I haven’t been able to reach him. Is he all right?”
“I’m sorry, ma’am,” Jason said. “He’s been murdered.”
Her eyes welled up, and she covered her mouth, closing her eyes. Her daughter’s stricken face turned toward her mother’s, then Mrs. Crouch got a hold of herself. She pulled her daughter into a tight embrace. “Go upstairs and wake up Jess. There will be no school today.”
The girl left, tears flowing, her sobs echoing in the hall.
Her voice hushed and choked, Mrs. Crouch said, “Won’t you please come in?”
They entered the house, and she led them to the living room. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“No,” Davis said. “We’re fine.”
She collapsed down onto the couch and said, “He’s…was out of town, traveling for the Coast Guard. What happened to him?”
“He was found in San Diego.”
“That’s not possible. He was supposed to be in Houston. That’s what he told me.”
“We’re sorry, but he was found here in San Diego with a Navy nurse, Lieutenant Emily Thompson. Do you know her?” Jason pulled out his phone and showed her a picture of the deceased officer.
Mrs. Crouch shook her head and handed the phone back. “I don’t know her.”
“Do you know of anyone who would want to harm your husband?”
“No, no one. George was well liked.”
Davis leaned forward. “Mrs. Crouch, I know this is a difficult time for you, but is it possible your husband was involved with Lieutenant Thompson?”
Her lips tightened, and her eyes flashed. “My husband would never cheat on me. He traveled a lot and worked overtime frequently, being a doctor, but he loved me and the girls.”
“We’re sorry about these questions, but it’s necessary for the investigation.”
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