Home > Opal (GEM Series Book 1)(7)

Opal (GEM Series Book 1)(7)
Author: Freya Barker

The hair is different, but even behind the ridiculous glasses I recognize those gray eyes. I’ve thought about them often enough over the past few months.

What the hell?









I saw he was with someone in his office and backed away from the door immediately, without looking too closely. I should’ve; then I could have stayed out of sight until they were gone.

Catching Agent Kenny peering into the room where I was supposed to start on the filing backlog was a shock. I’m lucky he didn’t call me out right there and then, but I guess he was as surprised as I was and kept walking after I silently pleaded with him. I have no doubt this’ll have a follow-up though.

For the past hour or so, I’ve been wracking my brain trying to come up with some kind of excuse for being here, but there’s nothing plausible that would have me show up in two different states on two different cases. From his perspective it must look pretty damn suspicious.


I look up, from yet another stack of paperwork, to find Sally sticking her head around the door before she slips inside, closing it behind her.

“Hey, aren’t you early? What’s up?”

“Did you know the FBI is investigating?” she whispers with half an eye on the door.

“He left fifteen minutes ago,” I assure her. “Something about an appointment he had to keep. And yes, I saw them when I came in.”

“They called and asked me to meet them at the police station. I’m on my way now, what am I supposed to tell them?”

“The truth,” I tell her, pulling my phone from my pocket. “At least about your suspicions, about Melissa and the others, and even your phone call to GEM, but you have to know the moment you identify me…”

“They’ll pull you,” she concludes correctly.

“More than likely.”

Unless I can convince Agent Kenny I can be useful to his case. I don’t want to have to walk away from a chance to bring down Josh Kendrick, aka Mason Kramer, and I’m not about to alert the FBI to his true identity without the go-ahead from my boss.

“I can tell them I’m waiting to hear back,” Sally offers.

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You’re not,” she responds instantly. “I’m offering.” I look her in the eye, giving her a chance to back out, but she squares her shoulders and lifts her chin. “I care about those girls. I want to believe you can help find them.”

“I promise I’ll do everything I can.”

She grabs for the door, gives me a little nod, and disappears down the hallway. I immediately dial Jacob direct.

“Hold on,” he barks before I can say anything. A few seconds later, he’s back on the line. “Sorry about that. Had to find some privacy. Something wrong that you’re calling me and not the office?”

“Maybe. We’re about to be outed to the FBI.”

I explain my situation, Sally’s little visit, and the distinct possibility my cover will be blown by a federal agent.

“How can you be so sure he recognized you? After meeting you only once? You have a way of blending in with the wallpaper, that’s why I hired you.”

I could tell him I’d felt an instant connection with the man when we first met, or I could read it from the look in those hazel eyes, but Jacob doesn’t deal in flights of fancy. He deals in concrete terms.

“I’m one-hundred-percent positive,” I assure him with as much conviction as I can muster.

“Very well,” he concedes after a pregnant pause. “I’m taking your word for it. I’ll get in touch with Onyx, let her know what’s up, and we’ll deal with it on our end. You continue as you are until you hear otherwise.”

“Yes, sir.”

I tuck my phone away and dig back into the stack I was working on. I scan every piece of paper carefully before I file it away, hoping something will jump out at me, but so far, I have nothing.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t change the remainder of my shift and when five o’clock rolls around, and Kramer hasn’t returned to the office, I grab my bag because my eyes are gritty. I stop by the kitchen to say hello to Brian on my way out.

“How’d you make out?” He wants to know when I walk in.

“Okay. Familiar territory for me, paperwork, but it was quieter than I expected. I hardly saw another soul,” I share.

“Yeah, I saw the boss beelining it out of here a couple of hours ago. What crawled up his ass?”

I bite off a grin at his barely contained dislike for the man. I wish I could tell him I share the sentiment, but I have a role to play.

“I have no idea, one minute he was there, the next gone. Does he disappear like that often?” I ask innocently.

“Not that I’ve noticed. Mind you, most of the time I’m back here and try not to pay too much attention to what goes on out there.”

“I thought you liked it here?” I point out, determined to get him to elaborate on that last telling comment.

He looks at me, a little guilty. “Like most of it; cooking, especially for the kids, doing something useful with my time, and I get along with almost everyone.”

“Except Kramer,” I boldly prompt.

“Yeah, except him.” He turns back to the two ginormous pans of mac and cheese he’s topping with breadcrumbs. My mouth is watering and I wonder if I could beg for a taste. “Look, I’m sure he’s a good man. He has to be, right? To do this kind of work?” he asks no one in particular, but I answer anyway.

“I guess. Some people can just rub you the wrong way, I suppose.”

He hums in response and stays silent as he slides those pans into the oven. I guess he’s said all he’s going to. For now.

“Well, as delicious as that looks, I should probably be heading home.”

“You found a place?”

He pins me with a smile, his eyebrows high. I’d mentioned I literally rolled into town and was still looking for something more permanent than the mini suite at the Creekside Inn on the other side of town.

“Not yet. I’m still at the motel.”

“So what’ll you do for dinner? You may as well stay and eat here. At least you’ll have some company.” He tilts his head in the direction of the cafeteria, where a couple of kids are already wandering in looking for food.

He’s right. I may as well. It’ll be a good opportunity to get to know some of the kids.

“You twisted my arm.” I nudge him with my elbow and he snorts out a laugh.

“Please,” he chuckles. “You were drooling so hard; I was about to tie a bib on you.”

It’s almost seven by the time I finally get into my truck.

Dinner was as delicious as it looked, and although most of the kids were wary of me, there were a couple who called out goodbyes when I walked out.

As soon as I turn toward the motel and notice the sun slowly going down, my thoughts go to the missing girls. Out there somewhere, maybe alone, scared, watching as yet another day comes to an end, and waiting for someone to come rescue them.

I should probably call in but end up driving to the motel in silence, my heart suddenly heavy. Pulling into the spot outside my unit, I dig into my purse for the key before I get out. I’m so focused on getting in the shower and changing into my pajamas, I jump at the sound of my name.

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