Home > Drilled (Powertools : The Original Crew Returns Book 2)(5)

Drilled (Powertools : The Original Crew Returns Book 2)(5)
Author: Jayne Rylon

Deeper and deeper he slid into her, working her open, as she did her best not to scream her satisfaction and blow what little cover they had.

Even years of practice didn’t take away the thrill of burying himself within her fully. Mike filled her completely, possessed her from the inside out. And she loved every second, raking his back with her neat, short nails.

When he was balls-deep in her, he paused, brushing the hair from her face so he could crush his mouth to hers. This kiss was different than the others. Urgent and possessive. Mike’s tongue swept into her mouth, parrying with hers as she met him swipe for swipe.

Her fingers dug into his shoulders as she tried to show him what she needed: for him to move.

So he did.

Mike retreated a bit, making her whimper, but only until he drilled into her. He took her fast and hard against the wall, refusing to go easy when she’d told him often that it made her proud to know she could handle all of him, in and out of bed…or against a wall. She spread her legs, sure he wouldn’t let her fall as his hips hammered hers. And she was right about that. He wouldn’t drop her now or ever.

However, this wasn’t going to be one of their legendary all-night fuckathons. It was going to be fast, hard, raw, and so damn powerful they didn’t need hours to be satisfied.

When his chest mashed to hers, she gasped. “What the hell did you just do to me?”

“This?” He rubbed against her, repeating the motion. Sensitive in a way she wasn’t always when it came to her breasts, she clamped down on his dick at the contact.

“Fuck yeah, Kate,” he rumbled against her neck, just below her ear. “You needed this too, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” she gasped. “And I didn’t even realize how bad until right now.”

Things were odd lately, off balance since Joe and Morgan had left the group. None of them wanted to admit it, but they all knew it was likely to be more than a seasonal change. They’d lost an integral part of their crew, and the rough, furious fucking Mike was giving his wife was filling part of the void with overwhelming passion.

He was a man of action, but lately there hadn’t been anything he could to do to fix the crew’s problems. This at least he could take care of for them both.

He pumped into her with long, steady glides that had her biting her lip, presumably to keep from screaming for more. She didn’t have to anyway, because no way in hell was he stopping before they’d taken each other over the edge.

Kate arched her back, her eyes slamming shut when his torso tapped her clit as he bottomed out in her again and again.

“There? Right there?” he asked, though he already knew the effect he had on her. He couldn’t have missed it when her pussy began to tighten around him, hugging his cock so hard it made it more difficult for him to thrust into her.

Of course, that seemed to spiral Kate’s pleasure higher as he stroked over her tensed muscles.

“Mike,” she whisper-shouted, clutching him tighter to her. “Damn.”

His muscles bunched beneath her hands. He worked hard all day and it showed. At least he had that going for him.

“If you go, you’re going to take me with you. Sorry, I can’t hold out. Not today. Not like this.” He groaned and shuddered as he plunged into her once more.

“Better come with me,” she grumbled.

He understood what she didn’t have the capacity to say right then. It wouldn’t be fair if she was the only one about to lose her mind from his skilled fucking. She liked him to be equally as devastated as she was when she let go like this.

He smiled at her and redoubled his efforts.

Mike leaned against her, trapping her between the rough wall and his taut body. His ass clenched beneath her heels as he rode her, intent on bringing them both as much bliss as possible. And when he added a little grind at the peak of each stroke, being sure to rub her clit as he pressed his dick against the most sensitive place inside her, he knew coming was inevitable for them both.

She tried to warn him she was going to tip, but he shushed her, encouraging her to let go.

So she did. Kate flew apart in his arms, proving again that she was certain he’d support her as she lost herself in the ecstasy he gave her. The thing that never ceased to amaze him was that her pleasure alone was enough to set him off too—the clamping of her pussy around his cock triggered his orgasm.

He bit her shoulder and grunted as he began to flood her, the motions of her involuntary spasms milking him dry. She stared up at the sky, gasping for air to fill her lungs while rapture wrung her entire being.

Her toes curled and her fingers clenched. Then all at once, she relaxed.

Mike nuzzled the crook of her neck as he too began to recover, smooshing them together from collarbones to hips. “Damn, Kate. I needed that. I needed you.”

She ran her fingers through his hair, when it was still too difficult to speak much.

His chest heaved against her as he sucked in a full breath of air, maybe for the first time since Abby had told them there had been an accident.

Though Mike had been supportive of Joe and his move out to Middletown, it wasn’t easy for him. Or for any of the crew. Especially not when the way they dealt with turbulent times had always involved coming together as a group for a physical release as epic, or even more so, than the one he and Kate had just shared.

“You always know where to find me when you need me,” she murmured before kissing him gently. “I promise I’ll always to be here like you’ve always been for me. For all of the crew.”

Mike slipped from her and tucked himself away before straightening her dress. They were still kissing, floating down together, when a loud smack from the direction of the kitchen made them both jump.

“Dad?” The door banged into the grill a second time.

Kate raised a brow, then whispered to Mike. “See?”

Mike only laughed. “We were done.”

She scrubbed her face with her hands as if she could wipe away any traces of the passion they’d shared and leave only happy satisfaction in its place. After verifying her clothes and his own were in order, Mike scooted the grill away from the door enough that Landry could squeeze through the gap.

“What’s up?” Mike asked.

“Klea said Uncle Joe is better now.” Landry reported.

Whether it was the positive news or the way he’d vented his pent-up tension, Mike flashed an honest, relaxed smile. The kind his family expected from him most of the time. “That’s good. Real good.”

“Did you tell him accidents happen? Like that time I hit the baseball through the windshield of Mom’s car and thought you were going to ground me for a million years?”

“I did, yeah.” Mike ruffled Landry’s hair. He was always impressed by the things his son learned from him even without being directly taught. The way he looked after everyone around him was eerily familiar, too. He was going to be a hell of a man one day.

Landry peered beyond them then, squinting at the flash of white in the flower bush. “What’s that?”

Fortunately Kate was faster than him. She lunged for her destroyed underwear, snatched them up, and tucked them into her pocket before their son could get a better look. Thank God it hadn’t been Abby, because she had a better bullshit meter than her brother, even though she was barely a teenager.

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