Home > The Architect (Nashville Neighborhood #3)(18)

The Architect (Nashville Neighborhood #3)(18)
Author: Nikki Sloane

 “I feel like I’m,” I said quietly, “on display sitting here.”

 He angled his head, intrigued. “Does it bother you?”

 “No,” I admitted.

 “Can you blame them for looking?” His eyes were magnetic. “You’re the hottest girl in the club tonight. Maybe the hottest girl to ever come here.”

 I sucked in a breath, which tightened my corset around me. My breasts pushed against the boning, and the sensation was enjoyable. But I gave him a dubious look. “Hotter than Mistress Theia?”

 My question pleased him. “She’s hot,” he agreed, “but she’s a domme.” His gaze skated down my body like he was appreciating fine art. “For someone like me? You’re far more attractive.”

 “Because I’m submissive.”

 “Yes, you sure seem to be.” There was an electric current running between us, and the voltage increased when he sat forward and used a finger to nudge me to uncross my legs. “Did you like it earlier when I told you what to do?”

 My knees were now side-by-side, but I kept my thighs pressed tightly together beneath my skirt. “Yes.”

 “Are you turned on?” There was music playing in the room, along with conversations and laughter, but his voice was all I could hear. “Is your pussy wet?”

 “Yes,” I breathed.

 He sat back, relaxing in his seat, and casually draped an arm across the back of the couch. “Show me.”

 Thoughts vaporized in my brain for a moment. I tore my gaze away from him, checking to see if anyone had heard his command. Would I care if they had? As I scanned the room, no one appeared all that interested in us. The two couples on the opposite side of the couch had finished their conversation, because both women were slumped down in the cushions, their legs hooked over their husbands’ shoulders. Or maybe they’d swapped partners, and the guys were going down on each other’s wives.

 There was a sharp bite of pain on the top of my thigh, and I yelped with surprise, my gaze flying back to Clay. A red mark bloomed on my skin.

 “Did you just pinch me?”

 “We’ll have to work on your focus.” His tone was straightforward. “I said I want to see your pussy.”

 I exhaled loudly. He looked so stern and serious that more heat poured into my body. I was going to liquify under his watchful stare, and I was sure I’d love every minute of it.

 So, I wasn’t nervous when I leaned back on one arm, spread my knees, and hooked my fingers in the crotch of my thong, pulling it to the side. He’d seen plenty of me this afternoon, but this was more thrilling. I wasn’t just bare to him—anyone could see.

 I let Clay get his fill of looking before I spoke. It was supposed to be teasing, but my voice came out hushed. “Happy?”

 His gaze flicked to mine, and power flared in his eyes. He was happy. Beyond pleased with how I’d followed his directions. His hand on the back of the couch curled into a loose fist, like he wanted to touch me but then thought better of it.

 I let go of my panties and closed my legs, sitting up straight. “Are you going to fuck me here in this room when we’re not alone?”

 His aversion to the idea lasted only a blink of an eye, but it was unmistakable. Which didn’t make a lick of sense. Why’d he bring me here? His shields went up, hiding whatever thoughts were going through his head. “Do you want that?” he asked. “To be fucked while everyone watches?”

 I had an immediate answer of yes but didn’t want to blurt it out until I gave it real thought. In my peripheral vision, I could see the woman in the corner of the room, crouching in front of a man who had his pants down around his ankles and his dick in her mouth. They didn’t care I was watching them, and neither did the couples behind me. The men were still on their knees, heads moving between the women’s thighs, but now the women had their tops off and their lips locked together.

 There was a fog of lust in this room, and it seemed everyone was susceptible to it, including me. Everyone, that was, except for him. Clay’s eyes were focused and clear and promised to give me whatever I wanted.

 “Yes,” I whispered. “I want them to watch.”

 His smile was hesitant but genuine. “Okay.”

 Blood rushed hotly through my veins, bubbling with anticipation. I nearly burst when he stood up, expecting him to push me down onto my back on the oversized ottoman but . . . he didn’t. His attention swung toward the hallway. “Will you be all right on your own for a minute? I need to use the restroom.”

 “Oh,” I said, trying to get hold of myself. “Uh, sure.”

 He nodded and strode to the hallway, disappearing behind the door to the men’s room. With him gone, there was nothing to do but watch the people around me, and it didn’t take long to understand why Clay enjoyed coming here.

 Even as a spectator, it was incredibly hot.

 I turned around to face the couples across from me, where one of the men was now fucking the woman he’d been going down on. His pants were down just enough to cut across his bare ass, and his muscles flexed and hardened with each of his thrusts. And since I was turned halfway around, when the cushion I was sitting on flattened beneath me, I spun, expecting it to be Clay.

 “That was fast—oh,” I said.

 The woman had a toothy grin and lipstick that was bright red, and for a moment it was all I could see. Her tone was sugary-sweet. “Hey, you.”

 “Um, hi.” I pushed out a friendly, confused smile. I didn’t know this woman. She was quite a bit older than I was, wearing a lowcut black dress that was so tight, it looked like her boobs were going to pop out at any moment.

 “You’re new,” she said, running a hand through the strands of her wavy brown hair. “We haven’t seen you before.”


 She giggled and flicked a finger toward a man standing nearby. “Me and my boyfriend. He’s cute, right?”

 Uh . . .

 He looked like he was the same age as my dad. The guy had his hands in his pants pockets and a lewd smile plastered on his face, like he’d sent his girlfriend over to warm me up. I squeezed out a polite smile, but my tone was cool. “Sure, he looks nice.”

 She was about to wave him over when Clay reappeared, and a scowl formed on his lips when he saw the woman at my side.

 “No, thank you.” His tone was gruff. “We’re not interested.”

 Her mouth dropped open, her lipstick forming a perfectly red oval, but she didn’t say anything. Instead, she got up in a huff and scurried away with her boyfriend in tow.

 “That was kind of rude,” I told him when she was gone and he’d returned to his seat across from me.

 “Was it?” His expression was plain. “You think it would have been better to make polite conversation for the next half-hour and waste everyone’s time? Or were you interested in either of them?”

 “No,” I said. “But you were really direct.”

 He looked at me like I was being naïve. “I’ve come here long enough to know that’s the only thing those two understand. If you’re not clear, they think they have a chance. You’re so far out of their league, I’m a little offended they tried, and a lot offended with how they waited until I wasn’t around to do it.”

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