Home > The Architect (Nashville Neighborhood #3)(20)

The Architect (Nashville Neighborhood #3)(20)
Author: Nikki Sloane

 But I didn’t.

 Satisfied, the man’s focus swung back to me and swept downward, taking in my outfit, my legs, my heels . . . A slow, wicked grin spread across his face. It made me smolder, but then the word he uttered? It set me on fucking fire.

 “Sure,” he said.

 Oh, my God.

 My pulse went erratic when he stepped into the space between the couch and the ottoman I was sitting on, blocking my view of Clay. I stopped breathing altogether when he knelt on the floor between my parted legs, bringing him perfectly into my eyeline.

 Time suspended as this handsome stranger stared at me. Did he see the same curiosity he had reflected in my eyes? I was fascinated by who he was to Clay and what he’d been told about tonight. There weren’t answers in his eyes, though, only more questions.

 His gaze drifted down and came to a stop on my hands holding my skirt in place. “Can I touch you?”

 It was the same question Clay had asked me earlier, and the flashback to the ruler striking my skin was unavoidable. I shuddered with a pleasurable aftershock, but hopefully the man didn’t notice.

 I pressed my lips together and nodded, too anxious to speak, because I worried what might come out. This whole night had been intoxicating and obliterated what few inhibitions I had. If I wasn’t careful, I might tell this stranger he could fuck me.

 The man’s palms were warm when he gently set them on my knees, but they didn’t stay there. Up his hands went, sliding along the tops of my thighs, and showers of goosebumps burst across my legs as he pushed back my skirt.

 I had to force air in and out of my body, making my corset heave. Then I put my hands down behind me on the ottoman and leaned back, making room for him. Over his shoulder, Clay was there, supervising us with a hungry look.

 The man reached my hips, and he rested his hands on them, hesitating. He searched my eyes, confirming I was comfortable with him going further, so I gave him a tiny nod, then lifted my hips to make it easier for him to peel my underwear down.

 When he bent to push my thong past my ankles and shoes, Clay’s expression filled with power. “You’ll watch me while he does it. Understand?”

 Oh, God. The idea was scorching hot. I bit the inside of my cheek to stay quiet and gave another quick nod.

 The man in the gray suit didn’t have any objections or comments about Clay’s command. Instead, he discarded my panties on the ottoman beside me, slid his palms up the insides of my thighs, and pressed me shockingly open, revealing my bareness to him, and everyone else in the room.

 “Fuck,” I uttered under my hurried breath. Anticipation turned me into a livewire. I was supposed to watch Clay while it happened, but my gaze bounced between the two men as the stranger dropped his shoulders and slowly lowered his mouth to me.

 “Oh, fuck,” I repeated as his lips made contact.

 The faintest brush of his mouth over my clit caused my legs to tremble. His warm hands gripped the insides of my thighs, and I stared at Clay through my lust-hazed eyes. It was impossible to catch my breath.

 There should have been a voice in the back of my head telling me this behavior was wrong. That I wasn’t supposed to let a stranger fuck me with his tongue while my brand-new boyfriend watched.


 Was that the right label to use for Clay? Partner was a better fit.

 The voice that was supposed to make me feel shame was silent tonight, blotted out by the inferno burning inside me from this erotic act. Or maybe Clay had deactivated that part of me earlier when he’d wielded his ruler.

 The man’s tongue was velvet as it slid across my damp skin. Shit, that felt amazing. It rolled over my clit, spinning circles of bliss that clouded my vision. I was breathing so hard, I became lightheaded, and I had to press a hand to the center of my corset, leaving myself propped up by one precariously shaky arm.

 I gasped with pleasure as the man’s grip on me tightened and the tip of his tongue fluttered.

 And while he was physically pleasing me, the expression that hung on Clay’s face announced the stranger was currently satisfying us both. He enjoyed the way I trembled as his friend’s lips sealed around my clit and sucked. He drank up my moans like his favorite brand of liquor, savoring each gasp and whimper.

 “Does it feel good?” he murmured.

 I was sure I was going rattle apart, or my supporting arm was going to give out, or I would come without warning while Clay watched me through his sexy, serious glasses. So, it was hard to speak, and I had to concentrate to get the word out. “Yes.”

 His hand had been resting on his thigh, and although the move he made was subtle, I didn’t miss how it turned slightly inward and tension filled his fingers as he squeezed. He wasn’t going to touch himself when all these people were around, but oh, how he wanted to.

 Watching me with his friend’s head between my legs turned him on, and the thick line of his cock pressed against the inseam of his pants.

 I wanted to understand him better, but the stranger’s mouth was distracting, pulling my thoughts in a million directions. I gave a loud moan when the man used his thumbs to peel me apart and focus on the spot that would bring me the most pleasure.

 “You like this.” It wasn’t a question from Clay—it was a statement of fact. “You like how everyone’s watching.”

 Were they? On some level, I sensed there were eyes on me, but I hadn’t glanced around to check. My gaze never deviated from Clay’s, because he’d given me instructions, and I was determined to follow them.

 But nerves made my voice go uneven. “I like,” I rasped, “how you’re watching.”

 I had nothing to be nervous about because my confession earned me the biggest grin I’d seen yet from him. If I’d had any air left in my lungs, his gorgeous smile would have taken it all.

 The man’s tongue created a flurry of sensations, and it felt way, way too good. How long was this ‘taste’ supposed to last? His mouth was heaven, so I wanted him to keep going, but I worried he’d stop right as I got to the edge.

 “I bet he wants to fuck you,” Clay said. “He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you all night.”

 The man’s tongue hesitated for a fraction of a second. Was he going to deny it? Or was it the idea of fucking me had short-circuited his brain like it had mine? No protest came from the man, and when he resumed moving, the strokes of his tongue were more deliberate and needy. He pushed one of my legs up onto the ottoman, forcing me to fall back onto my elbow.

 It was better and so much worse like this, because now both men were in my line of sight. I could see the man as his pink tongue slicked over me, and Clay behind him. My partner looked down on us like a lion watching his offspring feast on its first kill.

 My moans competed with the sounds of pleasure in the room, and we weren’t in the club anymore. The space had transformed into a pit of hedonism. It was full of naked bodies that thrashed and writhed and clawed at each other for release.

 Clay’s voice rose over the growl of the sex surrounding us. “You told me you wanted to fuck while other people watched. Do you want him to do it?”

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