Home > Only Mine (Honey Mountain #5)(6)

Only Mine (Honey Mountain #5)(6)
Author: Laura Pavlov

I tried not to laugh. It was eight o’clock in the morning. Was I already driving the man to the bottle? Good. I was irritating him as much as he was irritating me.

“I’ll take an orange juice, please. Nothing like a good dose of vitamin C to get you ready for the day.”

Valentina smiled at me this time and turned to get our drinks. I pulled my table down and started reading about the ten players that we’d be meeting with over the next two weeks.

“Here you are,” she said, and I looked up to see her set down my orange juice along with a basket holding a few pastries in it. Wolf had the same setup, minus the juice, which was replaced by a healthy dose of whiskey.

“This looks delicious. Thank you.” Valentina disappeared to the back of the plane, and I pulled out the cinnamon-covered donut and took a bite before groaning. “Oh my gosh. You have to try this. It’s so freaking good.”

“Do you always talk with a mouthful of cake?” He studied me.

I nodded and swallowed, reaching for my drink and taking a sip. “I don’t like when people talk with their mouths full either. However, there is a gray area when it comes to pastries.”

He dug into his basket and pulled out a croissant. Shocker. No sugar. The man didn’t have a sweet bone in his body. Although, I’m sure he’s got one impressive bone in there. The man was built like a Mack truck, so he had to be packing, right?

I digress.

What can I say?

These are the things that cross my mind.

I studied his massive hands as they held the delicate pastry, and I couldn’t help but glance down at his feet.

Yep. Big hands. Big feet.



Yep. There, I said it. I had a hunch that Wolf Wayburn had a giant penis because how else would he ever get laid? God knows it wasn’t because of his charming personality. So clearly, he had to be well-endowed.

“Are you having a seizure, or are you going to finish your ridiculous statement?” he asked.

Ah… I no longer cared about the size of his… schlong. I was reminded how annoying he was just by the sound of his voice.

“Right. So, when someone’s eating steak or lobster, it’s good, but it’s not like, I can’t wait to swallow before I tell you how good this is. Not to mention the fact that you’re eating something that was once alive. So, you need to show some respect for the deceased and swallow before you share your delight. But a cupcake or a donut, that warrants impatience, right? It’s too good to wait to share. And it’s not as gross to see powdered sugar or cinnamon in someone’s mouth. So… you’re welcome. Now you know the donut is delicious.”

“Do you just make this shit up?” He looked at me, making it obvious that he was completely unimpressed with my explanation.

Well, that’s a big surprise. The most miserable man on the planet is impossible to please. I wouldn’t take it personally.

“You asked.” I took another bite.

“No, I didn’t.”

“You did. You said, do you always talk with a mouthful of cake? I answered your question. Again. You’re welcome, big, bad Wolf. You know, it wouldn’t kill you to smile now and then. You might actually attract a woman if you stopped looking so broody and pissed off.”

His lips pressed together in a straight line. “I assure you, that has never been a problem. Most women don’t annoy me. You seem to be going for gold in that department.”

“What can I say? I’m a winner.” I stared back down at my notebook. “Remember that when I get Braxton Jones to meet with us.”

He barked out another laugh. But, of course, the man didn’t laugh in a normal way. It was this angry, dismissive laugh—and it pissed me off. “Could you stop with the arrogant laugh? Either laugh correctly or don’t laugh at all. It’s very condescending, and I don’t respond well to that.”

“I see. You get to decide how one laughs now? Let me remind you, Miss Thomas,” he hissed, turning to face me. His eyes were hard as his jaw ticked. “I am your boss. You don’t call the shots here.”

“You’re not my boss. You don’t get to tell me what to do.” I met his gaze head-on. This guy did not scare me.

“You answer to me. I call the shots. My name is on your paycheck. By definition, I’m. Your. Boss.” He leaned closer, his big head invading my space from across the aisle.

Angry and threatening.

And is that mint and sandalwood I smell?

Damn. I loved when a man smelled good.

And this jackass smelled like every woman’s fantasy.

I brushed my hands back and forth, letting the cinnamon on my fingers fly around him. “I believe you voted me off the island yesterday, Bossman. Yet here I am. This is not the Navy, and I do not report to you. I came here to do a job, and I plan to do it if you’d stay out of my way.”

He closed his eyes and backed away. He sat there silently for a minute. Was he meditating? Was I that hard to deal with?

“You are here because my father is a good man, and because their backup choice annoys me more than you do—which is hard to believe at the moment. But you do answer to me. And you better get that straight. I will be running this company by next year, and I will decide who works here.”

“Listen, we don’t need to be best friends. But we can work together and go find the best replacements for this team while we’re at it. I just asked that you not laugh in a negative way when I’m trying to be positive,” I said, unable to hide my irritation. He had a way of getting under my skin.

“I’ll try to contain my negative laughter when I’m around you.” He smirked.

But why did he have to look so sexy when he did it?









“Hey, Mom. What’s up? I’m just getting ready to head down to the lobby to meet Braxton Jones. If he bothers to show.”

“That’s what Dad said. He’s hoping for a miracle. He really thinks Juan could be exactly what we need after Hawk leaves. How’s Dylan Thomas doing?”

“She’s a hothead. Completely unpredictable. Irrational. I don’t know what Dad is thinking, pushing so hard to bring her on. Maybe it’s because she’s related to Hawk or because Everly has been such a good addition to the team.”

“I don’t think so, honey. That’s not really how your father operates. He trusts his gut, and he came home after the first time he interviewed her and said he saw her as part of the future of the Lions’ team.”

I groaned and reached for my room key and slipped it into my back pocket. “I don’t get it.”

“Give her a chance. I think you two may have just gotten off on the wrong foot. Plus, Dad said it’s not so bad seeing someone hold their own against you.” She chuckled.

I rolled my eyes as I made my way out to the hallway. Dylan and I hadn’t spoken after we’d agreed that we didn’t need to be friends, but we’d still attempt to work together at least for the ninety-day sentence my father had given me. And I wouldn’t laugh negatively around her.

What the fuck did that even mean? That was what I was talking about. The woman made no sense.

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