Home > Only Mine (Honey Mountain #5)(8)

Only Mine (Honey Mountain #5)(8)
Author: Laura Pavlov

“Yes, that was our chief legal, Roger Strafford.” I didn’t want to remind him that he’d been an asshole to them before he finally agreed to meet.

“I thought you were chief legal for the Lions.” He looked at Dylan as the server set down his cocktail, and he sucked it through a straw, nearly emptying the tall hurricane glass in one sip.

“I’m in a trial period, but I feel confident that I’ll come out victorious. Roger is leaving after this year, and I’m hoping to step into the position permanently.” She sipped her water and smiled.

“Well, Juan won’t be coming to any meetings in June unless Dilly is part of the team. Damn. That didn’t sound right. No pun intended, darling. But we won’t be talking to the Lions unless she’s there.” He winked at her.

The cheesedick.

He’s known her for all of five minutes. We hadn’t discussed money or the millions of dollars we were willing to offer him. And he was going to draw a line in the sand for a person that he didn’t even know?

“I assure you, whoever replaces Roger will be the best of the best, and our offer will be impressive.”

“Dilly made it clear that the Lions will be competitive. I’m not worried about that. Juan’s the best defensive player in the NHL, so we all know what that offer will need to look like. Obviously, you have my attention and his. Juan and I go way back, and he trusts me. And I’ve always been a man who trusts his gut. This girl has some giant balls, storming into a bar and telling me I missed a meeting with her. I like a person who knows what they want and isn’t afraid to go after it. I don’t meet a lot of genuine people these days, so I know one when I see one.” He shrugged.

Our server set down several appetizers in the center of the table before handing us each a small plate. I reached for a slice of bread and some artichoke dip before turning my attention back to Braxton.

“I hope you aren’t expecting some sort of sexual favor out of this. That’s not what we’re here for. It’s not how we operate.”

His eyes widened, and he smirked. Dylan shot me a warning look that almost made me laugh. If looks could kill, I’d be a dead man. Lucky for me—looks could not kill, and I’d proven over the last decade that neither could a few bullet wounds, so she’d best sharpen her steak knife, because her intimidation tactics were not working here.

“What exactly are you insinuating?” Braxton asked.

“I just find it interesting that we’re discussing the possibilities of the largest package the NHL has ever seen—off the record, of course—and you’re making demands about a woman you’ve known for five minutes. I’m wondering what that’s about, Braxton, and if Juan would be okay with you making such demands on his behalf.”

“Well, Wolf, as I said, I’m a man who trusts my gut. Juan pays me to do just that. You aren’t going to be the only team to offer him that package. You aren’t even the first. But I like her, and she’s the reason I’m at this meeting. I don’t take most meetings because it’s just a bunch of people blowing smoke up my ass, and it’s too early to make a decision now, anyway. We know he can go anywhere he wants to go, so take it however you want. But I’ve got to tell you, I like that you’re protective of your employees. That’s another point for the Lions. Unless I’m misreading the situation. Are you two together?”

“Oh, God, no. Never. That’s a negative. A hard no.” Dylan rolled her eyes as if she were completely appalled by the question.

Jesus. Most women would be thrilled to be tied to me. This was a first.

“We work together. Nothing more.” I shot her a look because her response was unprofessional and offensive. And it fucking pissed me off.

The next few hours were not what I’d expected. It actually wasn’t all that bad. We talked shop, and Braxton asked me about playing hockey when I was a kid because, apparently, Dylan had divulged that information when she met him at that bar and said that I was a super fan of Juan’s. I’d definitely have to get her back for that one. Braxton proceeded to ask me a million and one questions about being a SEAL. I gave him superficial answers because I couldn’t divulge what he wanted to know. Dylan excused herself to use the restroom, leaving the two of us alone.

“Be straight with me, Braxton. Do we have a shot with him? I’d rather not waste our time or yours if he isn’t truly interested. I can break it to Dylan if you don’t want to let her down. But tell me what our chances are, come June.”

He finished the last of his second mai tai and popped a tortilla chip into his mouth.

“The truth… I’d say the Lions are his number-one choice at this point, completely off the record, of course. This is just two friends talking right now. We’ve been approached by a few others who have come calling, just like you, but Juan doesn’t care for the coach or the players. He’s a big Hawk Madden fan, and word on the street is, Hawk might be joining the coaching staff.” He shrugged. “I like you. I like Dilly. So, yeah, things are looking very strong for the Lions. You know, you’d be a fool not to hire her. I mean, the girl stormed into the bar and pulled up a chair right next to me. She acted like we were old friends and demanded I hear her out. That girl’s a winner right there.” He raised his chin toward Dylan, who’d just come out of the restroom and was being cornered by the hostess, Jos, who’d hit on me earlier.

There was some truth to what he’d said. Dylan had impressed the shit out of me by finding the guy and dragging him here to meet with us.

I’d give her that, even if I wasn’t ready to admit it to her.

Dylan Thomas was full of surprises.

The problem was—I wasn’t big on surprises.









Things were going even better than expected. Braxton had been much easier to deal with than I thought he would be. He was a straight shooter who was just used to people walking on eggshells around him because he was the key to getting to his clients.

I wasn’t the type of girl who walked on eggshells. I was definitely more of a bull in a china shop. But here we were, sitting at this table, talking like old friends now. Even Mr. High-Strung Navy SEAL had calmed his ass down. That is, after he insulted both Braxton and me by insinuating Braxton wanted to sleep with me as part of the deal. That was wrong for a multitude of reasons. First off, Braxton had been super cool to leave that bar and come with me to the restaurant. Sure, he was flirty, but it was all in good fun. He’d never been inappropriate. Secondly, Wolf speaking up the way he did insinuated that I couldn’t handle myself.

And I didn’t appreciate that, nor did I look kindly at people who underestimated me.

I’d brought the guy to the table. I did not need a babysitter or a handout.

So, I paid him back the only way I knew how. If he wanted to go low, I’d go lower. And Jos, the super cute hostess, had practically begged me for information about the big, bad Wolf. So, maybe I’d added a few minor details that had left her gasping.

Karma’s a bitch, and I’m all too happy to help her out every now and then.

We’d finished eating, and Braxton had ordered one final fruity cocktail, which I found endearing for a grown man. He polished off his drink, and Wolf paid the bill before we all pushed to our feet.

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