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Safeguarding Kelly(13)
Author: Zoe Dawson

“That fits. Both wives thought he was out of town. So, was he making the moves on Lieutenant Thompson, and she was clueless about his marital status?” Jason said.
“I’d say that makes sense,” Derrick said.
“Do you think this guy had a third cell phone?” Davis asked.
“Could be. She got calls from a number that traces back to a burner phone. He could have been feeling her out, maybe and if it didn’t work out, he ditches the phone and that’s the end of that. She’s left in the dark,” Austin responded.
“Sounds plausible. But unless we find a burner phone, it’s just speculation. I don’t know about you guys, but our boss doesn’t go with speculation,” Jason said.
Austin smiled. “Talbot’s the same way. We need to find the burner and figure out if one of the spouses might have done this.”
They all nodded. “I already pulled both their financials and didn’t find any abnormality. Doesn’t mean they didn’t work outside the system. Diane Crouch hasn’t been notified yet that her husband had a second family. There’s no evidence that I can find so far that she knew about Marianne and her boys. Not so sure about Marianne. We’ll find that out.” Jason shifted. His sympathies went out to both families. This information on top of George Crouch’s death was going to add to their sorrow. It couldn’t be helped. They couldn’t ignore these facts, nor could they spare the families. This really hit way too close to home and Jason, his anger banked against a dead man, only spilled onto his own father. Secrets were devastating to all involved. “I think the next step is talking to the two families. Davis and I can handle that. In the meantime, maybe you two could dig for any more information about Thompson, maybe get a clue as to where they met, narrow down a list of suspects besides the two wives?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Austin said. “We have her coworkers to talk to and a few friends that weren’t available when we stopped by. Hopefully, one of them could shed some light on the relationship.”
Jason and Davis headed over to Marianne Traeger’s home. At the end of the walk, he saw the curtains rustle. She was home and he braced himself for the interview. She opened the door before he knocked. “CGIS?”
“Yes,” Davis said, introducing himself, then Jason.
“We’re sorry for your loss, ma’am.”
“Thank you,” she murmured.
Marianne led them into a modest-sized home, the foyer opening up into the living room. “The boys are at school. They should be home shortly. I haven’t told them yet about Jack…George. Whatever his name is…was. Oh, God, I don’t even know who I married,” she said in a choked voice. She paused and covered her eyes for a moment, struggling with her emotions. She met Jason’s eyes, hers full of pain, shock, and confusion. “It’s going to devastate them, and I couldn’t just yet.” She dabbed at her eyes with a tissue that was crumpled and well-used.
Jason’s resentment bubbled to the surface, and he worked hard to keep it in check. But when she looked at him again, he couldn’t help but pat her arm, then cup her elbow and lead her to the couch. “Have a seat and we’ll talk for a moment. Can I get you anything?”
She released an uneven laugh. “That’s supposed to be my line. You’re very kind. Water. There’s some bottled in the fridge.”
Jason went through the dining room and entered a standard kitchen where everything was spic and span except for a used tea bag on the counter. It was clear it had been sitting there for a little while, dried up and causing a ring on the white countertop. The only other “messy” thing in there was a corkboard with lunch menus, schedules, shopping list, school reminders, and coupons.
There were drawings held up on the shiny surface of the fridge by cartoon character magnets. It was of two boys playing catch with their dad, a trip to the fair, and one of them playing video games. Judging by the colorful pictures, these boys had a great relationship with their father. Jason clenched his fists and released a hard breath. He’d had the same type of relationship, just under wraps, limited and secretive. Jason had to wonder if either of the boys had picked up on the subtle signs that their dad wasn’t all theirs.
He pulled open the door and grabbed a bottle of water and headed back to the living room. Davis was talking in low tones to the widow and Jason handed her the bottle after unscrewing the top.
“Thank you,” she murmured.
“We need to ask you some routine questions, Marianne. We ask these questions of all people concerned with homicide.”
She nodded.
“How long did you know Jack before you married him?”
“Three years. We dated. He was busy, but we worked around it. I was aware what it takes to be a doctor and Jack…he was very dedicated to his job.” She released a small sob. “I thought I knew who he was, but I didn’t.”
“How long were you married?”
“Ten years. I got pregnant when we were dating, but I loved him, and he loved me, so we got married right away in a civil ceremony, just the two of us with friends as witnesses.” She bit her lip. “Prior to that, he disappeared for about a month. Didn’t return my calls. I thought he had ghosted me. In desperation, I texted him the sonogram of our son, Jeff. Then he came back, begged me for forgiveness. That’s when he asked me to marry him. I have wondered often if it was because Jeff was a boy. He really wanted boys.” Her eyes filled. “His other children…” her voice broke. “Are they boys?”
Davis looked at him, then said, “No. He has fifteen and seventeen-year-old daughters.”
“I see.” Her voice watery, she dabbed at her eyes and looked away. “He wanted the boys.”
“Marianne,” Jason said, leaning forward. “He was married to you for ten years and he came back.” He reached out and squeezed her hand. “Were you happy together?”
“Yes, very.”
Jason put aside his own feelings regarding his father. He’d been as dedicated as George Crouch, but he hadn’t given his second family any information about his first family, so it seemed. He didn’t respect him for what he had done, but he couldn’t seem to condemn him in the face of being a great dad and a good husband. He’d at least married the woman he’d gotten pregnant. Jason didn’t have that to hold onto. “Then I think it wasn’t just the boys. Jack was in love with two women, and he was true to both of you. That’s what matters.”
“You’re very kind.”
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