Home > Safeguarding Kelly(10)

Safeguarding Kelly(10)
Author: Zoe Dawson

Protecting her daughter was something that was ingrained, and she wanted to pick her up and run away to protect her from any kind of pain revolving around Jason.
Kelly tossed the tissue into the trash and headed into her bedroom. She saw that Kiko was already dressed. The child was a marvel. She went to her closet and chose a dress and pulled it over her head. Could you zip me up, baby?”
“I’m not a baby,” Kiko said, smoothing out Kelly’s comforter as she awkwardly tried to make the bed. Kelly smiled.
“I know that. I wasn’t calling you a baby. It’s just a term of endearment like honeybunny.”
“Oh, okay. That’s fine then. But I don’t mind being a bunny.”
“Noted,” Kelly said as her daughter grabbed the zipper and zipped it as high as she could reach. Then she climbed on the bed and finished the job.
“Thank you very much,” Kelly said turning around and giving her a kiss.
Kiko put her hands on either side of Kelly’s face. “You are very pretty today, Mommy, even if you’re sad.”
“Thank you, honeybunny.” Kelly picked her up and headed for the kitchen, her heart lighter from interacting with her precious daughter. She thought how Kiko would feel about Jason, and it wouldn’t be long before she would ask about her daddy.
What the hell was she going to do?
She was still thinking about that after getting Kiko her breakfast, driving to the base, and dropping her daughter off at school. She decided to make a trip to the coffee shop before going to work, finding she was quite a bit early since Kiko had already dressed herself and didn’t fuss over what to eat.
Maybe she shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth?
She parked in the lot adjacent to Jo’s Coffee, a place popular with her friends and family. The outside tables were starting to fill up and the early morning light cast shadows on the ground. Once inside, she got in line to wait for her turn. She had told Jason she would think about giving him answers and today she’d decided that she would talk to him. That’s all he wanted. She didn’t have to reveal anything she wasn’t comfortable with.
Getting close to him was a slippery slope.
She felt a touch on her shoulder, and she turned around. “Kim,” Kelly said. “What are you doing here so early?”
“I had an appointment and stopped for coffee. I can’t stay, though,” her sister said.
“That’s too bad.”
The line moved forward, and Kim said, “How goes everything? How’s my precious niece?”
“Growing way too fast and too smart for her own good.”
“Yeah, you were smart to get her tested. She’s off the charts, much more advanced than either of her cousins.” She gave her sister a smile, nudging her. Kim’s daughters were just as precious as Kiko to Kelly. They were ten and eight “And your love life?”
“The same. I’ve been busy.”
Kim smirked and shook her head. “That good, huh?”
Kelly studied her sister’s face and said, “Are you happy, Kim? With Haru?”
“Do you mean am I happy with a man dad doesn’t approve of? I have a strained relationship with dad, just like you do. Duty, honor, and all that crap. Yeesh.”
“It doesn’t bother you?”
Kim smiled broadly. “I tried to resist Haru at first, but he is a wonderful man, and I love him. Everything is not exactly perfect. No marriage is, but we’re very happy.”
Kelly sighed.
“That doesn’t mean you should isolate yourself from love, Kelly. Just because dad doesn’t approve of how you live your life. Don’t punish yourself.” Kim slipped her arm around her sister. “What you did by defying dad and having Kiko was so brave. We’re just different. That’s all. You should never sacrifice your happiness for anyone or anything, Kelly. That’s what’s important.”
She couldn’t agree with her sister more. She wanted to put some distance between the familial expectations and demands of being what her dad wanted and expected. She wanted to be the independent, self-sufficient woman she craved to be. She loved her job here, and she had made a good life. It didn’t matter how much her past came back to haunt her or how her actions had been scrutinized and how she had been found wanting.
To stir up the hornet’s nest with Jason coming unexpectedly into her life would also not be smart. She couldn’t even imagine how her father would react. Her reasons for staying away from him were compounded. She had no idea how much he wanted or how much he would push. Worse, she feared her own ability to keep her distance from him in the long run, yet she knew it wasn’t fair to play with his emotions, either. Keeping it all on a friendship level was the best idea.
Kelly hugged her sister tight around the waist as the line moved again. When this case was closed, putting distance between her and Jason would solve so many issues, make her life less complicated, and it was just the right thing for her and Kiko.
She steeled herself against the automatic wave of guilt threatening to swamp her. God, she did guilt too damn well, and she wanted to find the courage to stand up to her parents—namely her dad. And that in itself was a difficult feat for her, because it was just too easy to forego her own wants and needs, give in to his decision. Didn’t her life belong to her?
Kelly’s frustration and fear boiled over, causing her temples to throb. Sure, she was being cynical about things, but more and more lately she was feeling constrained by the honor and duty crap. Did she need to atone for Kiko? Should she be punished for what she had done?
Overwhelmed by pressures, no matter how unintended, to make the right choices, choices that would please everyone, only added another layer of confusion.
With a bone-weary sigh, she distractedly glanced out the window toward the street. Her heart jumped and started to beat hard as her gaze connected to a tall, golden-haired, broad-shouldered man striding toward the shop.
Kelly blinked hard, taking in his profile, his lean, handsome features, and the easy-going grin he offered the young woman as he held the door for her to enter.
This is just what she needed.
Her immediate reaction was to bolt. She didn’t want Jason to meet any of her family. It was much too dangerous.
But it was too late.
As he neared, he seemed so powerful, a gorgeous, sexy mass of lean muscle and larger-than-life male, all packaged up in a brown polo, well-worn jeans, and cowboy boots. It didn’t matter that she knew him. He would stand out in any crowd. He drew more attention with his confident attitude and devastating good looks, attracting appreciative glances and curious stares from female patrons and employees.
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