Home > Sweet and Wild(8)

Sweet and Wild(8)
Author: Carmen Jenner

“I had to wait until Daddy went to sleep. He’s been staying up later than usual.”

“Do you think he knows?”

I laugh. “Well, considering we’re both not dead, I’m gonna go with no.”

Colt shakes his head and peppers my face with kisses. “I don’t like this sneaking around we’ve been doin’.”

“I want you to make love to me,” I whisper, running my hands up under his T-shirt, caressing the hard ridges and valleys of each clearly defined muscle.

“Whoa! Slow down there, Lemonade.”

“Stop callin’ me that. And I’m serious. I love you, Colton Hayes. I want you to be my first.”

“We got time, Lemon. We’ve got all the time in the world—”

“Then we should be using it doin’ what we love.”

He chuckles and places a kiss to my nose. “I can wait. We don’t need to rush into anything right now.”

“I want you, Colt. I don’t want to wait. This isn’t something I’m going to change my mind about.”

“Okay, but … here?”

“Why not? It’s not like anyone else is out here at this time of night to see us.”

He leans down and kisses me, tender at first and then our kisses become deeper, needier, and much more insistent. He walks me backward toward the blanket at the base of our tree. I stumble into him and we sink to the ground, his lips on mine and my hands in his hair. Colt kneels as he grasps the hem of my shirt between his fingers and slides it over my body, discarding it on the dewy grass. His Adam’s apple bobs as he takes in my shirtless breasts. My nipples bead against the tepid summer breeze and I’m suddenly nervous. We’ve spent so many nights just like this one, touching, kissing, and getting lost in one another, but all of that was above our clothing and I’ve never felt more exposed. I never thought I’d like it this much either.

Colt reaches out and traces his warm fingers over my collarbone and down my chest until he’s cupping my breast in his hands. He pinches my nipple and sensation bolts through me like an arc of lighting across a black Texan sky. “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful.”

I smile coyly and bite my lip. “Your turn.”

I grab his T-shirt and yank on it. Colt removes it and tosses it aside with lightning speed. Colt’s been working my family’s ranch since he was old enough to ride a horse and lift a bale of hay—but even knowing he was all hard-won muscle, even feeling him through our clothes when we made out, the images in my head clearly didn’t do him justice.

I reach out and touch his chest. He covers my hand with his and guides it over the hard planes of his abdomen to the bulge in his pants. Together we rub him through his jeans and his free arm wraps around my body and pulls me to him. I straddle him and lean down to kiss him, rocking back and forth in his lap. Colt grabs my hips and slides me over his dick. I gasp at the desperation in his movements. We’ve done this a few times now, but every time I’m this close to him, feeling his obvious desire for me against my pussy, my body is on fire. I work my hips faster, and Colt guides me with his hands on my ass. I lean forward so I’m close enough to kiss him, and he drives his tongue in my mouth as his hands slip between our slick bodies and squeeze my breasts.

Heat builds within my core. I rock against his hardness, my panties and Daisy Dukes providing a bittersweet friction. It’s too much, and not enough, but I still fall headfirst into the sensations. Colt’s calloused hands pinch and tease my nipples. I see stars as heat and pleasure collide within me and I cry out, but my begging is swallowed by the sweetness of his tongue stroking my own. “Oh my God!”

Colton smiles. “That was seriously the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

I giggle. “Sure. I bet you say that to all the girls.”

“No. I’ve never done that with anyone else.”


“Swear on my mama’s life. God rest her soul.”

I frown and stare at him, confused. “Why not? You could have any girl in this town, or in the tristate area for that matter.”

His grin is sincere and so deliciously sweet because it’s all mine. “There’s only one girl I’ve had my eye on since I was old enough to know what kissing was.”

I slap his chest playfully. “Shut up.”

“I’m serious. And I am seriously in love with her, with everything she does, with everything she thinks, feels, and says.”

“Well, you’ll have to introduce me so I can kick her ass. I can’t have my man obsessing over some other girl.”

He laughs and tugs at my Daisy Dukes. “In case you didn’t know, it’s you, Lemon Winchester.”

I grin and slide off him, unfastening the button and zip on my shorts. Then I wriggle out of them. I still have my panties on, and he’s still wearing his jeans, but Colt pulls me close to him as if he can’t bear not touching me. His hands slide between my legs, and I know he can feel the wetness soaking the thin fabric. He pushes them aside and gently caresses me, the pads of his fingers seeking out my honey and sliding up to cover my clit. He draws tiny circles around my swollen flesh and my knees threaten to give out.

“Colt.” I pant. His lips find my neck and shoulder as he intensifies his stroking. “Colt, please?”

“Come for me again, Lemonade,” he whispers against the shell of my ear, causing gooseflesh to erupt over my skin. My legs quiver and my breath comes in short, sharp pants. I’m so close to coming again that I don’t want to stop, but I need him inside me. I grab his wrist with every intention of yanking it away, but I can’t. Fireworks explode behind my closed eyelids and tremors rock my body. He kisses me as he lays me down on the blanket.

I’m a limp noodle. I’m euphoric. I’m floating, and all I can do is watch as he takes off his jeans and fishes a condom out of his wallet, tears into the foil wrapping with his teeth, and rolls it on. His dick juts out proudly, and I’ve never seen one up close and in real life, but he is perfect. A dusky rose, thick and long, and definitely hard.

I swallow and Colt glances from my breasts to my face. “Are you sure you wanna do this?”

“Absolutely,” I say with a courage I no longer quite feel.

“It’s okay to back out, Lemon.”

“Colton Hayes, do you wanna have sex with me or not?”

He grins. He freaking grins as if I’m the most adorable thing he’s ever seen. He glances down at his dick and back at me. “I think we both know the answer to that.”

“Then do it already.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He eases my panties down, then he climbs between my legs, his much larger frame lowering over mine and settling between my thighs. I wasn’t expecting him to be quite so heavy, and I feel like I’m suffocating as his weight presses me into the hard ground. He seems to realize this because he supports his weight with one elbow as he guides himself inside. Pain tears through me, paralyzing me beneath him. “Lemon?”

“I’m okay,” I say, but the words turn to a whimper as tears roll down my face to melt into my hair.

“Shit. Darlin’, I’m sorry.” Colt hangs his head and tries to pull out, but I cling to him.

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