Home > Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham #4)(6)

Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham #4)(6)
Author: Candace Blevins

“It’s the shirt Daffodil wore to your apartment last night,” Velvet told me. “Just to further confuse any video surveillance that may have happened, though I don’t think they’re watching us right now. She had black boots on, and this shade of jeans. Luckily, we had them in the storeroom.” She looked at Kitty. “Do the boots fit? They’re a half size bigger than the shoes you had on last night. We didn’t have the same size.”

“They’re perfect. I’ll get them back to you in the coming days. The hairbrush, too. Should I give them to Squatch?”

I’d worried she’d get pissed when she found out Daffodil had been with me when she called, but she didn’t say a word about it, and her scent never altered. Part of me was pleased, the other part concerned. She should be jealous, right? I’d sure as fuck be jealous if I found out she’d had someone in her bed.

“They’re yours,” Velvet told her. “If you’re going to ride with us on the back of Squatch’s bike, you’ll need good riding boots. We buy the hairbrushes and toothbrushes in bulk for just this reason. Keep the hairbrush at Squatch’s place. I’m certain he can provide a toothbrush for future visits.” She looked at the clock on the wall. “I need to get to the restaurant. If you need something else, let one of us know. Mad Dog should be here in the next ten or fifteen minutes. Ya’ll need to work on your story with him before Squatch takes you home.”

We followed Mad Dog into his office when he arrived, and waited for him to initiate the sound dampening protocols, to make sure we weren’t heard.

“First things first,” he told Kitty, “you never mention what happened again. Not even to Squatch or me. You never know when someone might be listening. If you absolutely must, you tell him to find a safe place to talk, and wait for him to give the all clear. Understood?”

She nodded, realized he wanted more, and said, “Yes. I understand.”

“Traffic cams and private security cams from your route last night don’t show anything conclusive. It’s possible we missed something, but what we pulled up won’t convince a jury of anything.” He held Kitty’s gaze a few seconds. “You forgot your phone at home, so you have no idea what time you got here. It was dark, beyond that, you don’t know. You started out in Squatch’s apartment and then came to the clubhouse. There wasn’t a party. Various bikers came and went.”

He handed us a list. “Here are the people who came and went last night. The two of you fell asleep on a sofa and no one woke you. I need the two of you to go to Squatch’s apartment this morning.” He looked at Kitty. “Get your DNA on his sofa and in his bed. I do not think anyone is going to look at the two of you for this, but if they do, we need to make sure we’re covered.”

Kitty sat up a little straighter and met Mad Dog’s gaze. “I want to fuck Squatch without him having to pay me.”

Mad Dog didn’t cut his eyes to me, he stayed focused on Kitty. “He helped you last night because you’re one of ours. You don’t owe him for that.”

“I know that.”

“What’s brought this on?”

“He...” She shrugged. “I like him. I called him instead of you or Bobcat because I like Squatch. I wanted him, not ya’ll. I know he had to help me because I work for the club. Maybe I have it all wrong, but I think he...” She turned and looked up at me. “Do I have it wrong?”

My life would have been so much simpler if I could’ve told her she was absolutely wrong, but my wolf wouldn’t let me do that. I kissed her forehead and looked to Mad Dog. “I think we need to explore this.”

“And you’re going to walk next door at Blaze and guard her while she fucks johns?”

I shook my head. “I have no idea how that will work.”

Mad Dog sat back in his chair and looked at me another ten seconds before returning his gaze to Kitty. “Wolves are monogamous. You need to consider those ramifications before you jump in with both feet.”

She leaned into me a little more. “Like Squatch said, we need to explore it. I don’t think either of us has those answers right now.”

“I wish you both the best.” He looked at Kitty. “If it goes to shit and we have to get rid of someone to keep the peace at Blaze, you have to know it’ll be you.”

I scented her anger and fear, but only for a second. “That sucks, but yes, I figured as much.”

“Then don’t let it come to that.” He looked at me. “I’ll be talking to Bobcat before church and I’ll give him a heads up, but you need to talk to him when he comes back. Dementor, too, since he’s acting as manager.” He sighed. “Once Bobcat is back, ya’ll need to have a heart-to-heart, and I need you to keep both of us updated.”

I nodded and stood. Kitty took the hint and stood with me, and I walked her out.

“I wish you’d told me you were going to bring it up to Mad Dog.”

“You told me to!”

“No. I told you that I couldn’t move in that direction unless you brought it up with him. I asked you to hold off. I told you we needed to talk about it once we’d put this behind us. I had no idea you were actually going to talk to him about it. I’d have liked to’ve had some answers for him.”

“We’re headed to your apartment now, right?”


“And I need to get naked and into your bed. Mad Dog’s orders.”

My dick throbbed. “Yeah.” It was misting rain, but not enough to bother either of us. I leaned down and popped her on the ass. “You’ll sleep while I’m at church, and when I return, you’re going to get a spanking.”

“What did I do?”

I didn’t answer, and she didn’t ask again.

As it turns out, she was starving when I returned from church, so we went out to eat, and then went for a long walk in the park before returning to my apartment. I wanted to let her food settle before I had to punish her.

She knew something was up on the drive back to my apartment, and I wasn’t surprised. She’s a smart little kitten.

“You seem troubled,” she said as I turned into the apartment complex.

“I’ll explain why when we get inside.”

Neither of us said anything else while I parked, and then as we walked across the parking lot, hand-in-hand. I unlocked my door, motioned her in, and finally spoke again. “Take your clothes off and fold them neatly on the table.”

One of the reasons I like the little kitty so much is her natural submission. She wants to please. She does as she’s told.

I’d been caught off guard earlier, because I’d assumed she’d talk to me before talking to Mad Dog. I was pleased she’d wanted to explore this enough to do so, but displeased she’d put me into a situation where I didn’t have answers for Mad Dog. However, based on her understanding of our conversation, we needed to have a talk about it before I spanked her for it.

I pulled an armless chair from my kitchen table into the living room and sat in it while she undressed. It took her a few moments to get the boots off, but everything came off quickly once they were set to the side. She undressed without giving me a strip tease, which was fine. If I’d wanted a show, I’d have told her. Also, I wouldn’t have instructed her to fold her clothes neatly. Honestly, I didn’t give a fuck about the clothes, but requiring it is part of making this formal.

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