Home > Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham #4)(7)

Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham #4)(7)
Author: Candace Blevins

When she was finished, I leaned forward a little and pointed to the floor in front of me. “Kneel. We’re going to have regular conversations about the state of our relationship, and this is how it will happen.”

I’d scented unease and confusion with a hint of arousal while she undressed. Now, the arousal kicked up several notches. She needed someone to take control, someone to feed her submission.

“I have a specific way I put my boots on and take them off. Pay attention.” I leaned down and took my right boot off, talking my way through as I untied it and loosened a set number of laces. I lifted my foot towards her and talked her through placing her hand around the back of the heel and pulling it off at the right angle.

“Now you do the other one.”

She reached out for it and I said, “Stop.”

She froze, and I told her, “You acknowledge orders with Yes, Sir.”

“Yes, Sir. I understand, Sir.”

Her fingers deftly worked the laces, and she asked, “Can you lift your foot, Sir?”

I smiled and lifted it. “Very good, Kitten.”

When she had it off, I directed her to settle both boots under my chair, and then I touched the inside of her knee with one of my toes. “Spread your legs so I can see your pussy better. Wide enough you can feel them part. Feel the air inside. Sit your ass on your feet, arch your back, let your breasts lift up towards me, and look at my lips.”

She settled into the position and I counted six of her breaths before I spoke again. “We’ll work on it, but this is good enough for now. You’re focusing on my mouth because we’re having a conversation. If we’re in a scene, you’ll focus on my dick. There will never be direct eye contact when you’re kneeling like this unless I order it. Tell me you understand.”

“I understand, Sir.”

“Eye contact, Kitten.”

She lifted her gaze, and I smiled. “Good girl. I need you to hear this. It’s important. These talks aren’t just me talking to you, they have to be about you talking to me, too. Your thoughts and feelings matter. If this relationship is to work, it has to work for both of us. It has to feed both of our needs. You need to submit, and that’s one of the things I’m drawn to, but it isn’t the only thing. You’re strong. You’re a fighter. Those things attract me as much as your submissive nature.”

Time to give her something to control. “You have two options for your hands. They can be behind your back, or they can be on your thighs, palms up, fingers relaxed. Try both out for me, please. Lower your gaze to my cock while you do so.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Her heart had been racing, and now the pulse in her neck slowed a little. The spicy-sweet scent of her arousal blossomed around us and faded. Still there, but it was as if she’d needed to rein it in.

She put her hands behind her back, clasped them, and then tried it while holding her elbows. Three breaths while she settled into it. Next, she brought them around and put them on her thighs. Two breaths to settle into it this time. She left them there and looked to my mouth again. Smart girl.

“At least in the beginning, I intend to let you decide upon placement of your hands most of the time.” Not all the time, but she was smart enough to pick up on that without me saying it. “If I order your hands behind your back, that’s a signal for you to only speak if I ask a direct question. If I don’t make that order, then this is a conversation, and you may respectfully speak when you have something to say.”

I sat back. “No, it isn’t that you can, it’s that I expect you to. Do you understand?”

“I do, Sir.”

“Are you okay with the rules so far?”

Her arousal once again scented the air around me, and I realized she had enough control to hold it back and let it out. That was her answer. I couldn’t hold my smile back, but I needed more from her.

“I appreciate the sentiment, but I need to hear it, Kitten.”

“You’re right. I need to submit. I don’t understand why, but I do. But it’s more than that. It’s... you, Sir. I won’t submit to just anyone, and I will never let anyone abuse me. I like you because I can see how you’re responsible with the power you have. I trust you.” She finished her thought and then remembered, as an afterthought, “Sir.”

“Everyday life sometimes gets hectic, and it’s the small things that remind everyone of their place. This is why the Sir is important. It’s a small reminder of our place in each other’s lives, but when it happens so many times a day, it’s big. I’m glad you remembered without needing a reminder. Do you have an issue with using it at work?”

She considered the question a few moments. “No, Sir. I don’t have a problem with it, but I think we should talk to Bobcat about it before I do.”

And now we were going to get to the difficult parts of our conversation.

“You’re absolutely right, but this will be me bringing it up with him. Not you.” I leaned back. “Hands behind your back, please. If you absolutely must speak when I haven’t asked a question, you’ll ask permission to do so. The rules I’m about to give you aren’t negotiable. If you can’t live by them, you’ll need to stand and put your clothes on. I’ll take you home, and nothing will change. We tried, it didn’t work.” I took a breath. “I don’t think they’re draconian. There shouldn’t be a problem.”



Chapter Five





I hoped to the bottom of my heart she could live with them, because I hadn’t been kidding about them being non-negotiable. I’d long ago realized that if I ever brought someone into my life, she’d have to live by these rules, at a minimum. Well, not the first, which was specific to our situation. I’d had no idea I’d fall for someone who worked for us.

“Basic work issues, questions, and needs will still go to Bobcat as before. Well, Dementor for now. However, anything involving us, you come to me. If Bobcat or Mad Dog need to be brought in, I will do so. Under no circumstances do you ever blindside me with something when it comes to my club or my brothers. Punishment will be severe, and if it happens frequently, it’ll mean we can’t continue as a couple. I understand you seemed to think I intended you to speak with Mad Dog this morning, but I have to think that you knew you were blindsiding me. There will be consequences. They will not be extreme, but I believe you had a niggling doubt about whether you should talk to me first or just bring it up with Mad Dog.”

I let that sit in her psyche a few seconds before asking, “Am I wrong?”

She kept her gaze on my lips, which was impressive. Most submissives instinctively look you in the eye when they prepare to speak. Had she been trained for this already?

“You aren’t completely wrong, Sir. I thought I should talk to you, but I was afraid you’d want to put it off, and I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to get it over with.”

“Thank you for being honest. Can you tell me the difference between not lying and not being honest?”

“It’s possible to tell the truth without being honest. I can’t think of a specific example off the top of my head, but I understand the difference.”

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